„From EY report, Capital Confidence Barometer, appears that the main global investment targets are China, India, USA and Canada, from Asia- North-Pacific zone, and Brazil, the only market in the top from a different region”, said Mihai Pop.

A ZF analyse shows that in the first five months of this year the M&A market (mergers & acquisitions) reached over EUR 330 million (if to consider only companies transactions), with 20 deals signed. The takeover made by Lukerg Renew is the biggest transaction this year (if to consider only companies transactions) and the second in the top is the takeover of 15 units Bricostore by the British Kingfisher. Cited sources by Bloomberg say that the transaction value reached approx. EUR 75 million, considering the fact that Bricostore also had loans to be repaid.

Talking about local mergers & acquisitions market, Pop says that the signals are contradictory, as on one hand the investment funds limited their exposure, on the other hand there are strategic players with interests in the local market.

 „First half of this year brought some changes on the transactions market, but the modifications were registered on both sides of the balance. On one hand the entire market in the renewable energy field only registered a few transactions and the interest has fallen significantly for on-going projects. Otherwise, the most important transaction, between Vestas and Lukerg, had an active asset as a base. So, we can say that the previous boom generated by the opportunities in renewable energy field is now on a descendent slope.”, Mihai Pop added. (source: zf.ro)