The office project is developed by the Belgian group Atenor, the building structure being erected, currently works being done to the façade.

„Alpine only handled the management of the construction works, but we decided to continue only with the subcontractors, considering the company situation. We are working to the façade and we keep the same completion date, November this year”, the local representatives of Atenor group said for ZF.

The general contractor agreement price for the project with a rentable area of 18,000 sqm was approx. EUR 15 million, the Belgians financing the investment from their own funds.

„The situation regarding the termination of the contract with Alpine came in the last two weeks, after the triggering of the situation in Austria”, Atenor representatives also said.

The Belgian Group announced by far the signing of a single lease for 650 sqm in the building. The project developed on 15,000 sqm plot of the former Electronica factory includes several buildings with a total office area of approx. 78,000 sqm.

The experience of Alpine regarding the office building also includes Petrom City project, the headquarters of the biggest company in Romania, OMV Petrom, development that impressed the local business environment. (source: