In 2013, regional GDP per capita, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards, ranged from 27 per cent of the EU28 average in the French overseas department of Mayotte, to 325 per cent of the average in Inner London in the United Kingdom.


The leading regions in the ranking of regional GDP per capita in 2013, after Inner London in the United Kingdom (325 per cent of the average), were the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (258 per cent), Brussels in Belgium (207 per cent), Hamburg in Germany (195 per cent), Groningen in the Netherlands(187 per cent), Bratislava in Slovakia (184 per cent), Stockholm in Sweden (179 per cent), Ile de France in France (175 per cent) and Prague in the Czech Republic (173 per cent).


After Mayotte in France (27 per cent), the lowest regions in the ranking were all in Bulgaria and Romania: Severozapaden (30 per cent), Severen tsentralen (31 per cent) and Yuzhen tsentralen (32 per cent) in Bulgaria and North-East in Romania (34 per cent). (Source: